[Meet the Team] Squirrelly the dog

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We are taking a break from new features this week. Instead, we want to share about a very special member of the Xtern Software team — Squirrelly the dog. 

As our Office Manager, Head of Security, and Chief Sunbather, Squirrelly takes her multiple roles very seriously! Squirrelly arrives promptly at work every morning at 8:30 am. She departs at 5:30 pm, and enjoys a regular lunchtime walk in the Greensboro Arboretum. 

Though her mom keeps her on a pretty strict diet, Squirrelly is adept at charming the rest of the Xtern Software team into extra treats! She generally holds court in the office hallway or in the sunny spot in the conference room. 

At times, Squirrelly is joined by other furry pals — Lucy, Gus, and Louie the puppy. But Squirrelly definitely has dibs on the space. The other dogs must abide by her rules and standards if they wish to spend the day at the office. 

The fact that Squirrelly is so welcomed at the office underscores some other points about our office culture. We are a friendly bunch of folks, happy to share snacks, and always up for a walk in the park 🙂 

We take our work seriously, and do it well, but we also believe that an office should be a comfortable space. Therefore, ours is not stuffy and buttoned-up. Rather, it’s one where you can truly be yourself. We hope that sense of comfort and warmth comes through in our interactions with our users! 

Check out Squirrelly and more on our Instagram page: @HaystackCRM