We’re always happy to partner with local businesses on their technology needs. Greensboro-based Bravo Signs needed a new website to showcase their work. They design custom interior and exterior signage for customers all over North Carolina.
They do everything from yard signs (think “for sale” signs) to awnings to large electronic signs. In addition to installing new signs, they also refurbish and repair existing signs. Their small team includes a graphic designer, fabricators, installers, and sales people.
Bravo Signs needed a website that displayed the numerous types of signs they create in a visually appealing manner. They needed a number of image galleries organized by usage (e.g. exterior, interior and vehicle). They also need organization by type (e.g. Channel Letters, Dimensional Letters, etc.). That way a potential customer could, at a glance, know exactly the type of sign they needed.
Given the above, the images had to appear in an easy-to-navigate and appealing manner. The site also needed to have built-in SEO capabilities so that Bravo Signs would get served up in search results. It was important for this small, local business to leverage Xtern Software’s expertise to build their website.
HarmonyB2B is a Content Management System (CMS). It is supported by CruxDB, a cloud-based database. The two parts work together from the start. This eliminates the need for additional plug-ins or programs. The creative & technical sides of a business partner in HarmonyB2B. Harmony B2B creates solidly architected websites that work, all the time, while granting content owners sufficient creative control.
Using HarmonyB2B to build their website meant that Bravo Signs could rest assured their site had the look and feel they wanted, while being solidly architected. The result is a user-friendly website (who knew there were so many types of signs?!) that is designed for humans and algorithms alike.